MOTHER tincture is a drug, Pharmaceutically prepared from drug-substance of different kingdoms using strong alcohol as a vehicle by process of maceration, immersion & percolation, Homeopathic system is based on symptoms similarities “LIKE CURES LIKE" and mother tincture Of course, the invention of dynamization was a boon to homeopathy for treatment of miasmatic diseases. 

“Mother tincture is a drug, Pharmaceutically prepared from drug-substance of different kingdom (i.e. VEGETABLE,ANIMAL,MINERALS,IMPONDEBERILIA, NOSODES, SARCODES) using strong alcohol as a vehicle by process of Maceration, Immersion & Percolation.” 


Mother tincture refers to a simple combination of botanical extract with a specific amount of alcohol. In a mother tincture contains the lowest possible potency of any particular homeopathic preparation. The strongest liquid preparation used in homeopathy and is made by macerating of the drug or portion of it in alcohol or water. In acid it means the first decimal dilutions that is, one part of the acid to nine part of distilled water. 

Generally the vehicles used for potentization are used for preparing the mother tincture or the first trituration. However in a few cases, simple syrup or glycerine may also be used. All homoeopathic mother tinctures and solutions (except a few) should be stored in glass stoppered bottles. However, for certain acids, e.g., fluoric acid, glass-stoppered bottles are not appropriate as the acid eats away the glass, however strong it may be. For such a purpose, gutta-parcha bottles or other kinds of containers are useful. 

Mother tinctures were always a core aspect of homeopathic practice. Of course, the invention of dynamization was a boon to homeopathy for treatment of miasmatic diseases; mother tinctures were used in acute and in emergency cases when an immediate action was required. 
It is denoted as Q / Θ (i.e. Calendula Θ) 

Mother Tincture preparation in different classes: By immersing the drug substance of the animal and vegetable kingdom in strong alcohol. 
  • Class I: Medium juicy plants, mainly European. 
  • Class II: Medium juicy plants, also mainly European. 
  • Class III: Least juicy plants, all American and some European. 
  • Class IV :Dried vegetable and animal substances. 
General methods of the drug preparation: 


It is the process of removing the active principles from a drug by allowing th e latter to remain at room temperature in contact with the solvent for several days, with frequent agitation. Gummy and mucilaginous substances with viscid juice. Time required is 2 – 4 weeks. 


It is a process of extracting the soluble constituents of a drug and preparing the mother tincture by the passage of a solvent through the powdered drug contained in a suitable vessel called percolator for a definite period of time as per directions given in Pharmacopoeia.

Prescribed doses 
  1. For Adults: 10 to 15 drops 
  2. For Newborn: One drop in two spoonful, make four doses / ¼ drops 
  3. Infants: One drop 
  4. Children: 2 to 4 drops 
  5. Adult children: 5 to 7 drops 
  6. Mother tinctures should be taken on an empty stomach, unless not specified 
  7. This is a general prescribing mode of Mother tinctures 

Advantages of mother tincture 

  • It is used in most cases of emergency or acute cases where homeopathic physicians require enough time to take out indicated medicine. (Blood pressure, acute stone pain, dysmenorrhoea, acute abdomen) 
  • It is used as a palliative medicine for many cases & has very fast actions as compare to medicines 
  • Its action starts within 3-4 minutes and last for several hours. 
  •  Mother tinctures are prepared from alcohol so as it is readily absorbed in stomach and intestine. 
  • It is very sure indication with lesser reaction and failure 
  •  It also helps patient in weaning period of their medication. It helps them to minimize withdrawal symptoms and keep them permanently away from addictions. i.e.-lobelia inflate helps them to wean asthmatic medication as it provides support to lung function. 
  • Mother tincture is also indicated in bruises as a cold compressor. 
  • It is helpful in preparation of many homeopathic tonics and external application along with proper homeopathic medicine internally. ( according to aphorism no 284. Many of mother tinctures like cantharis, calendula are used as first aid in many external causes like burns, injuries along with internal medicines. ) 
  • Mother tinctures like arnica Q, jaborandi Q, & camphor Q are also used to prepare hair oil for special care of hair along with internal use of homeopathic medicine. 


  • Mother tinctures have chances of emerging new pathological symptoms as they are in crude form.
  • Long use of mother tinctures containing plant enzymes, poisonous alkaloids, glycolides and other phyto chemical ingredients are dangerous to health.
  • Mother tinctures are not permanent solution for any complaint; they are only for temporary and emergency use. 
  • Mother tincture are not capable to pass complete pure energy to activate dearrange vital force as it contains drug molecules of original drug and it is not fully diluted. 


Some homeopathic medicines that are listed below are used in homeopathy, These medicines are effective but are not frequently used by homeopathic practitioners. 

1. AGRAPHIS NUTAS Q A relaxed condition of the system generally and a proneness to take cold on exposure to cold winds. 
2.ARALIA RACEMOSA Q This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with cough aggravated on lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to draughts. Diarrhœa, prolapse of rectum. Aching in rectum extending upwards; worse lying on side lain upon. 
3.Bellis Perrenis Q Boils all over the body. Ecchymosis, swelling, very sensitive to touch. 
4.Dioscorea Villosa Q Relieves gall stone colic but here, a patient is better by bending backward. 5. Terminalia ChebulaQ Used Due to gum affections. 
6.Piscidia: Cause of insomnia is mental worries. 5 to 10 drops can be taken with half a cup of plain water. 
7.Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris: It is best to control uterine haemorrhage in menorrhagia or metrorrhagia like conditions. 
8.Collinsonia: Bleeding piles. 5 drops, mixed with plain water should be given, twice a day. When this medicine fails to try Millefolium. 
9.Viscum album: Sarsaparilla: Right-sided renal colic. Marked pain at the end of micturition.
10.Bryonia Alba: Shooting pain in the thigh from buttock to ankle, with insupportable pain on being touched, during movement, as well as with sweat. 
11.Hypericum: Painful corns. It should be applied 2 to 3 times per day. It can be applied on painful acne also. 
12.Staphysagria: Lice infestation on head. 
13.Phytolacca: As a mouthwash for pyorrhoea alveolaris and for offensive breath


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