Respiratory.--Hoarseness. Dry, morning cough, with pain in chest and bloody expectoration. Bronchitis, with sharp, short, dry, hacking cough. Asthma, with excessive dyspnœa, nausea, dull stitches, and burning in chest. Dyspnœa so great that breath cannot be held long enough to drink, though thirsty. Chest feels constricted. Oppression worse in morning. Sour-smelling expectoration. Expectoration of clotted blood, after hawking mucus. Acute exacerbations in phthisis; congestion of lungs. Spasmodic croup; paroxysm of crowing. Laryngeal diphtheria.


Respiration, accelerated
Respiration, arrested, coughing
Respiration, asthmatic
Respiration, asthmatic, night, 3 a.m. 
Respiration, difficult 
Respiration, difficult, forenoon, standing, while 
Respiration, difficult, ascending 
Respiration, difficult, drinking, when 
Respiration, difficult, lying, while (agg.) 
Respiration, difficult, lying, head low, with the
Respiration, difficult, standing 


Respiration.-- Tightness of chest compelling him to lie with head high. Oppression of chest when ascending.

Cough.-- Dry, especially early in morning. The cough awakens him at 3 o'clock in morning, with a stupefying headache. Chest pains when coughing lasting until expectoration is loosened. With stitches in chest and expectoration of clear blood. Purulent expectoration of clear blood. Purulent expectoration from lungs, with colliquative sweats.

Larynx.-- Hoarseness, with roughness and scratching in. Tracheal phthisis.

Chest.-- Stitches in, with anxiety and oppression, especially when taking a deep breath and lying with the head low. Contractive chest pains coming from the back, as though lungs were being constricted. Inflammation of lungs. Violent palpitation, most intense when lying in bed at night.


Respiratory Organs.Hoarseness, with roughness and scraping in throat.Tension, and incisive pains in larynx, with obstructed deglutition.Irritation to cough caused by tickling in larynx.Sudden violent irritation to cough in rt.side near pit of throat, as if in r. bronchus, neither painful nor, itching; it could be suppressed by a slow, deep breath and by an effort of will.Cough with expectoration and pressive pain beneath sternum.Cutting under sternum when coughing.Pressing pain under sternum when coughing with a feeling of warmth in same locality.Cough, which awakens patient about 3 a.m., with violent headache.Cough in open air, or when going up stairs, also whenever the breath is held in.Dry cough, esp. in morning.When coughing, incisive pains in chest, until the mucus is detached.Cough, with shootings in chest, and expectoration of pure blood.Cough, with purulent expectoration, and colliquative sweats.

Chest.Cannot drink for want of breath; must take it in little sips; children take cup in both hands and drink greedily one sip after another.Obstructed respiration, which does not permit lying down with the head low.Oppression on chest, when ascending.Pain in chest with pressive tension, accompanied by a sensation of roughness under sternum, which excites violent coughing.Contractive pain in chest, commencing from the back, with sensation of constriction in lungs.Lancinations in chest, esp. when taking a full inspiration, when lying down, and when coughing, accompanied by excessive anguish and oppression.(Inflammation of lungs.).Sticking in l. side near sternum.Sticking in l. side of chest, cutting and tearing in lungs



► Larynx.  Tensive pain in the larynx while breathing (after thirty-five days),   Irritation to cough, caused by tickling in the larynx (fourth day),  Sudden violent irritation to cough in the right side, near the pit of the throat, as if in the right bronchus, neither painful nor itching; it could be suppressed by a slow, deep breath, and by an effort of the will; this provocation to cough lasted about an hour (at that time I was treating two patients who had a similar irritation to cough),  ► Voice.  Voice as in catarrh (after fifty days), ► Hoarseness Hoarseness and rawness of the throat (eighth day),  [660.]  Hoarseness and cough; she raised pieces of mucus, with stopped catarrh (during menstruation),   Suppressed hoarse voice, with some tickling provoking cough  Loss of voice,  ► Cough and Expectoration.  Cough day and night, with sore pain in the chest, followed by catarrh, with stoppage and itching of the nose (thirteenth day.  Cough, with stupefying headache, wakes her at night, about 3 o'clock; if she raises herself or moves, the cough becomes worse (twenty-second day),

Keynotes Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica
by Dr. Adolph VON LIPPE

One of the very best remedies, generally in cases of asthma.

Also very valuable in cardiac asthma.

A Text-Book of Materia Medica.
(Characteristic, Analytical, and Comparative.)
By Pr.  Allen Corson Cowperthwaite

Respiratory Organs.- (Kalium nitricum)

Aphonia ; roughness and scraping in larynx, with hoarseness.

Cannot drink for want of breath ; has to take drinks in little sips.

Little children take hold of the cup with both hands, and take greedily one sip after another.

Paroxysms of difficult and rapid breathing, evening and night ; less in morning ; oppressed breathing on ascending stairs. (Ars., Ascl., Calc. c., Merc.)

Asthma ; cannot lie in horizontal position ; violent gasping and suffocation. (Ars., Ipec., Samb.)

Cough ; awakens at 3 A. M. with violent, stupefying headache ; in open air ; worse ascending, or when holding breath ; with cutting and stitches in chest ; expectoration of coagulated blood ; after hawking mucus.

Dull tightness and constriction of chest, as if lungs were constricted from back.

Stitches on drawing long breath, or coughing. (Bry.)

Congestion to chest.

Heaviness and tightness of chest, like a great load, pressing thorax together ; dyspnoea to suffocation ; the latter out of proportion to the slight congestion or hepatization.

Suppuration of lungs, with profuse (colliquative) sweat. (Hep. s., Phos.)


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